#pragma once /************************ BEGIN USER CONFIGURATION ************************/ //#define DEBUG_RECORDING #define PIN_COMPONENT_SWITCH 2 /* Use a digital signal to switch on/off the microphone and SD card for less power draw. */ #define COMPONENT_SWITCH_ON HIGH #define SAMPLE_MODE_U8 //#define SAMPLE_MODE_S16 //#define ADC_PRESCALE_16 /* Up to ~60kHz. */ //#define ADC_PRESCALE_32 /* Up to ~27kHz. */ #define ADC_PRESCALE_64 /* Up to ~18kHz. */ //#define U8_AMPLIFY_X2 /* (U8 sampling mode only) amplify audio by factor 2. */ #define ADC_CHANNEL AdcChannel0 #define TIMER_COMPARE 1000 /* 16MHz / 1000 = 16kHz. */ #define FLUSH_SAMPLES 64000 /* Flush WAV file every n samples. */ #define PIN_SS 10 /********************** END USER CONFIGURATION **********************/