// Copyright 2022 Darwin Schuppan // SPDX license identifier: MIT #include "cmd.hh" #include #include #include "aaa_config.hh" #include "fstr.hh" #include "io.hh" #include "settings.hh" #include "sys.hh" static bool sd_initialized = false; static void try_init_sd() { if (sd_initialized) return; printf(F("Initializing SD card...")); #ifdef PIN_COMPONENT_SWITCH digitalWrite(PIN_COMPONENT_SWITCH, COMPONENT_SWITCH_ON); delay(500); /* Wait for components to initialize. */ #endif if (SD.begin(PIN_SS)) { printf(F("Done.\n")); sd_initialized = true; } else printf(F("\nError initializing SD card.\n")); } static void sd_error() { printf(F("Error reading from SD card.\n")); sd_initialized = false; } static void command_loop() { // Process Commands if (Serial.available()) { char args[6][20]; size_t len = 0; size_t n_args = 0; int c = getchar(); while (c != '\n' && n_args < 4) { if (c == ' ') c = getchar(); else { do { args[n_args][len++] = c; c = getchar(); } while (c != ' ' && c != '\n' && len < 20-1); args[n_args][len] = 0; len = 0; n_args++; } } if (n_args >= 1) { if (fstreq(args[0], F("set"))) { if ((n_args == 3 || n_args == 4) && fstreq(args[1], F("wait"))) { float n = atof(args[2]); unsigned long mins; if (n_args == 4 && (fstreq(args[3], F("hours")) || fstreq(args[3], F("hour")))) mins = 60.f * n; else mins = n; settings.recording_delay = mins; settings.save(); printf(F("Set waiting time to %lu minutes or "), settings.recording_delay); print_special((float)settings.recording_delay / 60.f); printf(F(" hours.\n")); } else if (n_args == 3 && fstreq(args[1], F("serial"))) { if (fstreq(args[2], F("on"))) { settings.serial_log = true; settings.save(); printf(F("Serial log enabled.\n")); } else if (fstreq(args[2], F("off"))) { settings.serial_log = false; settings.save(); printf(F("Serial log disabled.\n")); } else { printf(F("Usage: 'set serial [on|off]'.\n")); } } else { printf(F("Usage: 'set wait [minutes|hours]' or 'set serial [on|off]'.\n")); } } else if (fstreq(args[0], F("get"))) { if (n_args == 2 && fstreq(args[1], F("wait"))) { printf(F("Current waiting time: %lu minutes or "), settings.recording_delay); print_special((float)settings.recording_delay / 60.f); printf(F(" hours.\n")); } else { printf(F("Usage: 'get wait'.\n")); } } else if (fstreq(args[0], F("sd"))) { try_init_sd(); if (sd_initialized) { if (n_args == 2 && fstreq(args[1], F("list"))) { File root = SD.open("/"); if (root) { printf(F("Files:\n")); bool files = false; size_t cols = 0; while (1) { File entry = root.openNextFile(); if (!entry) break; files = true; if (cols >= 3) { cols = 0; printf(F("\n")); } printf(F(" %s"), entry.name()); cols++; entry.close(); } if (!files) printf(F("[NONE]")); printf(F("\n")); } else sd_error(); root.close(); } else if (n_args == 3 && fstreq(args[1], F("remove"))) { if (SD.remove(args[2])) printf(F("Deleted '%s'.\n"), args[2]); else printf(F("Error removing '%s'.\n"), args[2]); } else if (n_args == 2 && fstreq(args[1], F("remove_all"))) { File root = SD.open("/"); if (root) { printf(F("Deleted:\n")); bool deleted = false; size_t cols = 0; while (1) { File entry = root.openNextFile(); if (!entry) break; const char *name = entry.name(); unsigned int garbage; if (!entry.isDirectory() && sscanf(name, REC_FILE_FMT, &garbage) == 1) { if (cols >= 3) { cols = 0; printf(F("\n")); } deleted = true; SD.remove(name); printf(F(" %s"), name); cols++; } entry.close(); } if (!deleted) printf(F("[NONE]")); printf(F("\n")); } else sd_error(); root.close(); } else if (n_args != 1) { printf(F("Usage: 'sd list', 'sd remove ' or 'sd remove_all'.\n")); } } } else if (fstreq(args[0], F("help"))) { printf(F("Commands:\n")); printf(F(" help -- Display this page.\n")); printf(F(" exit -- Leave command mode.\n")); printf(F(" get wait -- Display current delay setting.\n")); printf(F(" set wait [minutes|hours] -- Change current delay setting.\n")); printf(F(" set serial [on|off] -- Write log to serial output.\n")); printf(F(" sd -- Initialize the SD card.\n")); printf(F(" sd list -- List file on SD card.\n")); printf(F(" sd remove -- Delete a file from SD card.\n")); printf(F(" sd remove_all -- Delete all recordings from SD card.\n")); } else if (fstreq(args[0], F("exit"))) { printf(F("Bye!\n")); Serial.flush(); full_reset(); } else printf(F("Invalid command: '%s'. Type 'help' for a list of commands.\n"), args[0]); } else { printf(F("Please specify a command. Type 'help' for a list of commands.\n")); } } } void cmd() { printf(F("You are now in command mode. Type 'help' for a list of commands.\n")); while (Serial.available()) Serial.read(); while (1) { command_loop(); delay(50); } }