# Dischord ### A simple, easy-to-deploy Discord music bot written in go ### Supports YouTube, Spotify and hundreds of other sites using youtube-dl --- ## Setup - [Windows](#windows) - [MacOS](#macos) - [Linux](#linux) - [From source (BSDs etc.)](#from-source) ### Windows #### Download .exe from releases - [64-bit](https://github.com/xypwn/Dischord/releases/download/latest/dischord-windows-amd64.exe) (reasonably modern hardware) - [32-bit](https://github.com/xypwn/Dischord/releases/download/latest/dischord-windows-x86.exe) (very old hardware) #### Preparations After you're done downloading, I would recommend putting the executable into a new folder so your downloads don't get too cluttered, since a few more files will be created upon running the executable. #### Initial setup / running the .exe To start the program, simply double click the .exe. This will bring up a command window saying it will have to first download a few additional programs. After it's finished downloading, edit the newly generated config.toml file and replace the text after `token = ` with your Discord bot token, leaving the surrounding "". After editing, the line should look something like this: ```toml token = "dmMpDY4K8dFyqMoypaZg3QXP.QUp5Sg.e7VQhRpEfud6SajSvyFZpxZpVwwBrwNYr2L3m7" ``` Now if you start the .exe again, it should just work. ### MacOS #### Download the executable from releases - [Apple silicon](https://github.com/xypwn/Dischord/releases/download/latest/dischord-macos-apple-silicon) (newer models) - [Intel hardware (untested)](https://github.com/xypwn/Dischord/releases/download/latest/dischord-macos-intel) (slightly older models) #### Preparations After you're done downloading, I would recommend putting the executable into a new folder so your downloads don't get too cluttered, since a few more files will be created upon running the executable. In order to run the program, you will need to enable opening a terminal in the current folder. To do so, go to **System Preferences -> Keyboard -> Keyboard Shortcuts -> Services** and enable **Files and Folders -> New Terminal at Folder** and **New Terminal Tab at Folder**. #### Initial setup / running the executable Navigate to the folder containing your executable, right-click and select **Services -> New Terminal at Folder**. In the command window that opens up, type `chmod +x dischord-macos-*` and hit `Enter` (you will only need to do this once). Then, to run the executable, type `./dischord-macos-*` and hit `Enter`. On the first run, it will download a few additional programs. When it's done, open the newly generated config.toml file with a text editor and replace the text after `token = ` with your Discord bot token, leaving the surrounding "". After editing, the line should look something like this: ```toml token = "dmMpDY4K8dFyqMoypaZg3QXP.QUp5Sg.e7VQhRpEfud6SajSvyFZpxZpVwwBrwNYr2L3m7" ``` Done! Now you can just run the executable and everything should work. ### Linux #### Download the executable from releases - [amd64/x86_64/x64](https://github.com/xypwn/Dischord/releases/download/latest/dischord-linux-amd64) - [i386/x86](https://github.com/xypwn/Dischord/releases/download/latest/dischord-linux-x86) - [arm64 (untested)](https://github.com/xypwn/Dischord/releases/download/latest/dischord-linux-arm64) - [armhf/arm32 (untested)](https://github.com/xypwn/Dischord/releases/download/latest/dischord-linux-arm32) #### Preparations After you're done downloading, I would recommend putting the executable into a new folder so your downloads don't get too cluttered, since a few more files will be created upon running the executable. #### Initial setup / running the executable First, `cd` into the executable's directory. Then, run `chmod +x dischord-linux-*` to make the file executable. Run the executable with `./dischord-linux-*`. On the first run, it will download **youtube-dl** and **FFmpeg** if they aren't already installed on your system (for example through your package manager). When it's done, open the newly generated config.toml file with a text editor and replace the text after `token = ` with your Discord bot token, leaving the surrounding "". After editing, the line should look something like this: ```toml token = "dmMpDY4K8dFyqMoypaZg3QXP.QUp5Sg.e7VQhRpEfud6SajSvyFZpxZpVwwBrwNYr2L3m7" ``` Done! Now you can just run the executable and everything should work. ### From source (BSDs etc.) After installing [go](https://go.dev/dl/), you can simply run the makefile to build a native binary. In case you are using a non-Linux OS, you will have to manually install [youtube-dl](https://yt-dl.org/) and [FFmpeg](https://ffmpeg.org/) first before being able to run the bot.