package main import ( dc "" "" "" _ "" "" "" "" "errors" "flag" "fmt" "os" "os/signal" "runtime" "sort" "strconv" "strings" "sync" "syscall" _ "embed" ) var copyright bool var autoconf bool var registerCommands bool var unregisterCommands bool //go:embed bye.opus var resByeOpus []byte func init() { flag.BoolVar(©right, "copyright", false, "print copyright info and quit") flag.BoolVar(&autoconf, "autoconf", false, "launch automatic configurator program (overwriting any existing configuration)") flag.BoolVar(®isterCommands, "register_commands", true, "register commands with Discord upon startup") flag.BoolVar(&unregisterCommands, "unregister_commands", false, "unregister registered commands with Discord upon shutdown") } // A UserError is shown to the user type UserError struct { error } const ( interactionFlags = uint64(dc.MessageFlagsEphemeral) ) var ( ErrVoiceNotConnected = UserError{errors.New("bot is currently not connected to a voice channel")} ErrUnsupportedUrl = UserError{errors.New("unsupported URL")} ErrStartThinkingNotInitialResponse = errors.New("StartThinking() must be the initial response") ErrInvalidAutocompleteCall = errors.New("invalid autocomplete call") ) type MessageData struct { Content string Files []*dc.File Components []dc.MessageComponent Embeds []*dc.MessageEmbed } type MessageWriter struct { session *dc.Session interaction *dc.Interaction first bool thinking bool } func NewMessageWriter(s *dc.Session, ia *dc.Interaction) *MessageWriter { return &MessageWriter{ session: s, interaction: ia, first: true, thinking: false, } } func (m *MessageWriter) StartThinking() error { if !m.first { return ErrStartThinkingNotInitialResponse } err := m.session.InteractionRespond(m.interaction, &dc.InteractionResponse{ Type: dc.InteractionResponseDeferredChannelMessageWithSource, Data: &dc.InteractionResponseData{ Flags: interactionFlags, }, }) if err != nil { return err } m.first = false m.thinking = true return nil } func (m *MessageWriter) Message(d *MessageData) error { var err error if m.first { err = m.session.InteractionRespond(m.interaction, &dc.InteractionResponse{ Type: dc.InteractionResponseChannelMessageWithSource, Data: &dc.InteractionResponseData{ Content: d.Content, Flags: interactionFlags, Files: d.Files, Components: d.Components, Embeds: d.Embeds, }, }) } else if m.thinking { _, err = m.session.InteractionResponseEdit(m.interaction, &dc.WebhookEdit{ Content: d.Content, Files: d.Files, Components: d.Components, Embeds: d.Embeds, }) } else { _, err = m.session.FollowupMessageCreate(m.interaction, true, &dc.WebhookParams{ Content: d.Content, Flags: interactionFlags, Files: d.Files, Components: d.Components, Embeds: d.Embeds, }) } if err != nil { return err } m.first = false m.thinking = false return nil } func main() { flag.Parse() if copyright { fmt.Println(copyrightText) return } var clients sync.Map // guild ID string to player.Client // Load / create configuration file cfgfile := "config.toml" var cfg *config.Config var err error if autoconf || func() bool {cfg, err = config.Load(cfgfile); return err != nil}() { if err != nil { if os.IsNotExist(err) { fmt.Println("Configuration file not found, launching automatic configurator.") fmt.Println("Hit Ctrl+C to cancel anytime.") } else { fmt.Println("Error:", err) return } } cfg, err = config.Autoconf(cfgfile) if err != nil { if err == config.ErrPythonNotInstalled { if runtime.GOOS == "darwin" { fmt.Println("Python is required to run youtube-dl, but no python installation was found. To fix this, please install Xcode Command Line Tools.") } else { fmt.Println("Python is required to run youtube-dl, but no python installation was found. To fix this, please install Python from your package manager.") } } else { fmt.Println("Error:", err) } return } if runtime.GOOS == "windows" { fmt.Println("Hit Enter to close this window.") fmt.Scanln() } return } getClient := func(s *dc.Session, ia *dc.Interaction, create bool) (client player.Client, err error, created bool) { clI, exists := clients.Load(ia.GuildID) if exists { return clI.(player.Client), nil, false } if !create { return player.Client{}, ErrVoiceNotConnected, false } g, err := s.State.Guild(ia.GuildID) if err != nil { return player.Client{}, err, false } voiceChannelId := "" for _, v := range g.VoiceStates { if v.UserID == ia.Member.User.ID { voiceChannelId = v.ChannelID break } } if voiceChannelId == "" { return player.Client{}, UserError{errors.New("bot doesn't know where to join, please enter a voice channel")}, false } vc, err := s.ChannelVoiceJoin(ia.GuildID, voiceChannelId, false, true) if err != nil { return player.Client{}, err, false } cl := player.NewClient(cfg.Extractors, cfg.FfmpegPath, vc.OpusSend, func(e player.EventStreamUpdated) { if err := vc.Speaking(true); err != nil { fmt.Println("Unable to speak:", err) } }, func(e player.EventKilled) { vc.Disconnect() }) clients.Store(ia.GuildID, cl) go func() { for err := range cl.ErrCh { fmt.Println("Playback error:", err) } }() return cl, nil, true } getOptions := func(d *dc.ApplicationCommandInteractionData) map[string]*dc.ApplicationCommandInteractionDataOption { opts := make(map[string]*dc.ApplicationCommandInteractionDataOption, len(d.Options)) for _, v := range d.Options { opts[v.Name] = v } return opts } floatptr := func(f float64) *float64 { res := new(float64) *res = f return res } commands := []*dc.ApplicationCommand{ { Name: "queue", Description: "Show current playing queue", }, { Name: "play", Description: "Resume playback or replace playing queue", Options: []*dc.ApplicationCommandOption{ { Type: dc.ApplicationCommandOptionString, Name: "url-or-query", Description: "Video/music/playlist URL or search query to start playing", Required: false, Autocomplete: true, }, }, }, { Name: "add", Description: "Add a track or playlist to queue", Options: []*dc.ApplicationCommandOption{ { Type: dc.ApplicationCommandOptionString, Name: "url-or-query", Description: "Video/music/playlist URL or search query to add to queue", Required: true, Autocomplete: true, }, }, }, { Name: "pause", Description: "Pause playback", }, { Name: "loop", Description: "Toggle loop", }, { Name: "stop", Description: "Stop playback and disconnect", }, { Name: "disconnect", Description: "Alias for stop (stop playback and disconnect)", }, { Name: "dc", Description: "Alias for stop (stop playback and disconnect)", }, { Name: "jump", Description: "Jump to a track by number or name", Options: []*dc.ApplicationCommandOption{ { Type: dc.ApplicationCommandOptionString, Name: "track", Description: "Track number or matching string", Required: true, Autocomplete: true, }, }, }, { Name: "seek", Description: "Jump to a playback position. Format is ss, mm:ss or hh:mm:ss. Use prefixes +/- to jump relatively", Options: []*dc.ApplicationCommandOption{ { Type: dc.ApplicationCommandOptionString, Name: "pos", Description: "Target playback position. Format is ss, mm:ss or hh:mm:ss. Use prefixes +/- to jump relatively", Required: true, }, }, }, { Name: "pos", Description: "Get current playback position (time)", }, { Name: "speed", Description: "Get or set the playback speed", Options: []*dc.ApplicationCommandOption{ { Type: dc.ApplicationCommandOptionNumber, Name: "speed", Description: "New playback speed", Required: false, MinValue: floatptr(0.5), MaxValue: 3.0, }, }, }, { Name: "shuffle", Description: "Shuffle all items in the queue", Options: []*dc.ApplicationCommandOption{}, }, { Name: "unshuffle", Description: "Undoes what shuffle did (may no longer be available after certain queue modifications)", Options: []*dc.ApplicationCommandOption{}, }, { Name: "swap", Description: "Swap two items' positions in the queue", Options: []*dc.ApplicationCommandOption{ { Type: dc.ApplicationCommandOptionString, Name: "track-1", Description: "Track number or matching string", Required: true, Autocomplete: true, }, { Type: dc.ApplicationCommandOptionString, Name: "track-2", Description: "Track number or matching string", Required: true, Autocomplete: true, }, }, }, { Name: "delete", Description: "Delete up to five items from the queue (use delete-from to delete even more at once)", Options: []*dc.ApplicationCommandOption{ { Type: dc.ApplicationCommandOptionString, Name: "track-1", Description: "Track number or matching string", Required: true, Autocomplete: true, }, { Type: dc.ApplicationCommandOptionString, Name: "track-2", Description: "Track number or matching string", Required: false, Autocomplete: true, }, { Type: dc.ApplicationCommandOptionString, Name: "track-3", Description: "Track number or matching string", Required: false, Autocomplete: true, }, { Type: dc.ApplicationCommandOptionString, Name: "track-4", Description: "Track number or matching string", Required: false, Autocomplete: true, }, { Type: dc.ApplicationCommandOptionString, Name: "track-5", Description: "Track number or matching string", Required: false, Autocomplete: true, }, }, }, { Name: "delete-from", Description: "Delete the specified track along with all tracks following it from the queue", Options: []*dc.ApplicationCommandOption{ { Type: dc.ApplicationCommandOptionString, Name: "track-1", Description: "Track number or matching string", Required: true, Autocomplete: true, }, }, }, } addToQueue := func(s *dc.Session, m *MessageWriter, cl player.Client, input string) error { if err := m.StartThinking(); err != nil { return err } data, err := extractor.Extract(cfg.Extractors, input) if err != nil { if exerr, ok := err.(*extractor.Error); ok && exerr.Err == ytdl.ErrUnsupportedUrl { return ErrUnsupportedUrl } return err } cl.CmdCh <- player.CmdAddBack(data) var msg string if len(data) == 1 { msg = fmt.Sprintf("Added %v to queue", data[0].Title) } else if len(data) > 0 { msg = fmt.Sprintf("Added playlist %v to queue (%v items)", data[0].PlaylistTitle, len(data)) } else { return UserError{errors.New("extractor returned no results")} } if err := m.Message(&MessageData{Content: msg}); err != nil { return err } return nil } matchTracks := func(cl player.Client, search string, n int) []struct { title string relIdx int } { var res []struct { title string relIdx int } maybeAdd := func(title string, relIdx int) { if strings.Contains(strings.ToLower(title), strings.ToLower(search)) { res = append(res, struct { title string relIdx int }{ title: title, relIdx: relIdx, }) } } queue := cl.GetQueue() for i, v := range queue.Done { maybeAdd(v.Title, i-len(queue.Done)) } if queue.Playing != nil { maybeAdd(queue.Playing.Title, 0) } for i, v := range queue.Ahead { maybeAdd(v.Title, i+1) } sort.Slice(res, func(i, j int) bool { cost := func(s string) int { return strings.Index(strings.ToLower(s), strings.ToLower(search)) } return cost(res[i].title) < cost(res[j].title) }) if n < len(res) { return res[:n] } else { return res } } checkQueueBounds := func(queue *player.Queue, i int) error { if i == 0 && queue.Playing == nil { return UserError{errors.New("track index 0 is invalid when no track is playing")} } if i < 0 && -i-1 >= len(queue.Done) { return UserError{fmt.Errorf("track index %v is too low (minimum is %v)", i, -len(queue.Done))} } if i > 0 && i-1 >= len(queue.Ahead) { return UserError{fmt.Errorf("track index %v is too high (maximum is %v)", i, len(queue.Ahead))} } return nil } getTrackNum := func(cl player.Client, input string) (int, error) { n, err := strconv.Atoi(input) if err != nil { tracks := matchTracks(cl, input, 1) if len(tracks) > 0 { return tracks[0].relIdx, nil } else { return 0, UserError{errors.New("no matching track found")} } } return n, nil } getTrackEmbed := func(queue *player.Queue, i int) *dc.MessageEmbed { if !queue.InBounds(i) { return nil } track := queue.At(i) url := track.SourceUrl id := strings.TrimSuffix(strings.TrimPrefix(url, ""), "/") var desc string if i == 0 { if queue.Paused { desc = "Paused" } else { desc = "Playing" } if queue.Loop { desc += " (loop)" } } else { desc = strconv.Itoa(i) } return &dc.MessageEmbed{ Title: track.Title, Description: desc, URL: url + "/" + strconv.Itoa(i), Thumbnail: &dc.MessageEmbedThumbnail{ URL: "" + id + "/mqdefault.jpg", }, } } var commandHandlers map[string]func(s *dc.Session, m *MessageWriter, ia *dc.Interaction, d *dc.ApplicationCommandInteractionData) error commandHandlers = map[string]func(s *dc.Session, m *MessageWriter, ia *dc.Interaction, d *dc.ApplicationCommandInteractionData) error{ "queue": func(s *dc.Session, m *MessageWriter, ia *dc.Interaction, d *dc.ApplicationCommandInteractionData) error { cl, err, _ := getClient(s, ia, false) if err != nil { return err } queue := cl.GetQueue() if len(queue.Done) == 0 && queue.Playing == nil && len(queue.Ahead) == 0 { if err := m.Message(&MessageData{Content: "Queue is empty"}); err != nil { return err } return nil } var embeds []*dc.MessageEmbed trySend := func(flush bool) error { if len(embeds) >= 10 || (len(embeds) > 0 && flush) { err := m.Message(&MessageData{ Embeds: embeds, }) if err != nil { return err } embeds = nil } return nil } for i := -len(queue.Done); i <= len(queue.Ahead); i++ { if i == 0 && queue.Playing == nil { continue } embeds = append(embeds, getTrackEmbed(queue, i)) if err := trySend(false); err != nil { return err } } if err := trySend(true); err != nil { return err } return nil }, "play": func(s *dc.Session, m *MessageWriter, ia *dc.Interaction, d *dc.ApplicationCommandInteractionData) error { opts := getOptions(d) inputI, exists := opts["url-or-query"] if exists { cl, err, _ := getClient(s, ia, true) if err != nil { return err } input := inputI.StringValue() cl.CmdCh <- player.CmdSkipAll{} err = addToQueue(s, m, cl, input) if err != nil { return err } cl.CmdCh <- player.CmdPlay{} } else { cl, err, _ := getClient(s, ia, false) if err != nil { return err } queue := cl.GetQueue() if queue.Paused { cl.CmdCh <- player.CmdPlay{} if err := m.Message(&MessageData{Content: "Playback resumed"}); err != nil { return err } } else if queue.Playing == nil && len(queue.Ahead) > 0 { cl.CmdCh <- player.CmdPlay{} if err := m.Message(&MessageData{Content: "Started playing"}); err != nil { return err } } else if queue.Playing == nil && len(queue.Ahead) == 0 { return UserError{errors.New("nothing in queue to resume from")} } else { return UserError{errors.New("already playing")} } } return nil }, "add": func(s *dc.Session, m *MessageWriter, ia *dc.Interaction, d *dc.ApplicationCommandInteractionData) error { cl, err, created := getClient(s, ia, true) if err != nil { return err } err = addToQueue(s, m, cl, d.Options[0].StringValue()) if err != nil { return err } if created { if err := m.Message(&MessageData{Content: "Use /play to start playing"}); err != nil { return err } } return nil }, "pause": func(s *dc.Session, m *MessageWriter, ia *dc.Interaction, d *dc.ApplicationCommandInteractionData) error { cl, err, _ := getClient(s, ia, false) if err != nil { return err } if cl.GetQueue().Paused { return UserError{errors.New("already paused")} } else { cl.CmdCh <- player.CmdPause{} if err := m.Message(&MessageData{Content: "Playback paused"}); err != nil { return err } } return nil }, "loop": func(s *dc.Session, m *MessageWriter, ia *dc.Interaction, d *dc.ApplicationCommandInteractionData) error { cl, err, _ := getClient(s, ia, false) if err != nil { return err } loop := cl.GetQueue().Loop cl.CmdCh <- player.CmdLoop(!loop) var msg string if loop { msg = "Loop disabled" } else { msg = "Loop enabled" } if err := m.Message(&MessageData{Content: msg}); err != nil { return err } return nil }, "stop": func(s *dc.Session, m *MessageWriter, ia *dc.Interaction, d *dc.ApplicationCommandInteractionData) error { cl, err, _ := getClient(s, ia, false) if err != nil { return err } ch := make(chan struct{}) cl.CmdCh <- player.CmdPlayFileAndStop{ch, resByeOpus} if err := m.Message(&MessageData{Content: "Bye, have a great time"}); err != nil { return err } <-ch clients.Delete(ia.GuildID) close(cl.CmdCh) return nil }, "disconnect": func(s *dc.Session, m *MessageWriter, ia *dc.Interaction, d *dc.ApplicationCommandInteractionData) error { return commandHandlers["stop"](s, m, ia, d) }, "dc": func(s *dc.Session, m *MessageWriter, ia *dc.Interaction, d *dc.ApplicationCommandInteractionData) error { return commandHandlers["stop"](s, m, ia, d) }, "jump": func(s *dc.Session, m *MessageWriter, ia *dc.Interaction, d *dc.ApplicationCommandInteractionData) error { track := d.Options[0].StringValue() cl, err, _ := getClient(s, ia, false) if err != nil { return err } n, err := getTrackNum(cl, track) if err != nil { return err } cl.CmdCh <- player.CmdJump(n) var msg string queue := cl.GetQueue() if queue.Playing != nil { msg = fmt.Sprintf("Jumped to %v", queue.Playing.Title) } else { msg = "Playback finished" } if err := m.Message(&MessageData{Content: msg}); err != nil { return err } return nil }, "seek": func(s *dc.Session, m *MessageWriter, ia *dc.Interaction, d *dc.ApplicationCommandInteractionData) error { cl, err, _ := getClient(s, ia, false) if err != nil { return err } var relFactor int input := d.Options[0].StringValue() if strings.HasPrefix(input, "+") { relFactor = 1 input = strings.TrimPrefix(input, "+") } else if strings.HasPrefix(input, "-") { relFactor = -1 input = strings.TrimPrefix(input, "-") } ntI, err := util.ParseDurationSeconds(input) if err != nil { return UserError{errors.New("invalid time format")} } queue := cl.GetQueue() if queue.Playing != nil { time := int(cl.GetTime()) d := util.FormatDurationSeconds(int(queue.Playing.Duration)) if relFactor != 0 { ntI = time + relFactor*ntI } if ntI < 0 || ntI >= queue.Playing.Duration { return UserError{errors.New("time out of range")} } nt := util.FormatDurationSeconds(ntI) relI := ntI - time var rel string if relI < 0 { rel = "-" + util.FormatDurationSeconds(-relI) } else { rel = "+" + util.FormatDurationSeconds(relI) } cl.CmdCh <- player.CmdSeek(int64(ntI)) if err := m.Message(&MessageData{Content: fmt.Sprintf("Sought to: %v/%v (%v)", nt, d, rel)}); err != nil { return err } } else { return UserError{errors.New("not playing anything")} } return nil }, "pos": func(s *dc.Session, m *MessageWriter, ia *dc.Interaction, d *dc.ApplicationCommandInteractionData) error { cl, err, _ := getClient(s, ia, false) if err != nil { return err } queue := cl.GetQueue() if queue.Playing != nil { time := cl.GetTime() t := util.FormatDurationSeconds(int(time)) d := util.FormatDurationSeconds(int(queue.Playing.Duration)) err := m.Message(&MessageData{ Content: fmt.Sprintf("Position: %v/%v", t, d), Embeds: []*dc.MessageEmbed{ getTrackEmbed(queue, 0), }, }) if err != nil { return err } } else { return UserError{errors.New("not playing anything")} } return nil }, "speed": func(s *dc.Session, m *MessageWriter, ia *dc.Interaction, d *dc.ApplicationCommandInteractionData) error { opts := getOptions(d) inputI, exists := opts["speed"] cl, err, _ := getClient(s, ia, false) if err != nil { return err } if exists { speed := inputI.FloatValue() cl.CmdCh <- player.CmdSpeed(speed) if err := m.Message(&MessageData{Content: fmt.Sprintf("Playing at %vx speed", speed)}); err != nil { return err } return nil } else { if err := m.Message(&MessageData{Content: fmt.Sprintf("Current playback speed: %vx", cl.GetSpeed())}); err != nil { return err } return nil } }, "shuffle": func(s *dc.Session, m *MessageWriter, ia *dc.Interaction, d *dc.ApplicationCommandInteractionData) error { cl, err, _ := getClient(s, ia, false) if err != nil { return err } cl.CmdCh <- player.CmdShuffle{} if err := m.Message(&MessageData{Content: fmt.Sprintf("Shuffled queue (%v items)", len(cl.GetQueue().Ahead))}); err != nil { return err } return nil }, "unshuffle": func(s *dc.Session, m *MessageWriter, ia *dc.Interaction, d *dc.ApplicationCommandInteractionData) error { cl, err, _ := getClient(s, ia, false) if err != nil { return err } queue := cl.GetQueue() if queue.AheadUnshuffled == nil { return UserError{errors.New("cannot unshuffle queue: either it is not shuffled, or too many modifications have been made to reverse the shuffle")} } cl.CmdCh <- player.CmdUnshuffle{} if err := m.Message(&MessageData{Content: fmt.Sprintf("Unshuffled queue (%v items)", len(queue.Ahead))}); err != nil { return err } return nil }, "swap": func(s *dc.Session, m *MessageWriter, ia *dc.Interaction, d *dc.ApplicationCommandInteractionData) error { cl, err, _ := getClient(s, ia, false) if err != nil { return err } queue := cl.GetQueue() sa, sb := d.Options[0].StringValue(), d.Options[1].StringValue() var a, b int a, err = getTrackNum(cl, sa) if err != nil { return err } b, err = getTrackNum(cl, sb) if err != nil { return err } if err := checkQueueBounds(queue, a); err != nil { return err } if err := checkQueueBounds(queue, b); err != nil { return err } ta, tb := queue.At(a), queue.At(b) cl.CmdCh <- player.CmdSwap{a, b} if err := m.Message(&MessageData{Content: fmt.Sprintf("Swapped item %v: '%v' with %v: '%v'", ta.Title, tb.Title)}); err != nil { return err } return nil }, "delete": func(s *dc.Session, m *MessageWriter, ia *dc.Interaction, d *dc.ApplicationCommandInteractionData) error { cl, err, _ := getClient(s, ia, false) if err != nil { return err } queue := cl.GetQueue() var toDel []int for _, opt := range d.Options { a, err := getTrackNum(cl, opt.StringValue()) if err != nil { return err } if err := checkQueueBounds(queue, a); err != nil { return err } toDel = append(toDel, a) } cl.CmdCh <- player.CmdDelete(toDel) var msg string msg = "Deleted " for _, i := range toDel { msg += fmt.Sprintf("%v: '%v'", i, queue.At(i).Title) if i == len(toDel)-2 { msg += "and " } else if i != len(toDel)-1 { msg += ", " } } msg += " from queue" if err := m.Message(&MessageData{Content: msg}); err != nil { return err } return nil }, "delete-from": func(s *dc.Session, m *MessageWriter, ia *dc.Interaction, d *dc.ApplicationCommandInteractionData) error { cl, err, _ := getClient(s, ia, false) if err != nil { return err } queue := cl.GetQueue() a, err := getTrackNum(cl, d.Options[0].StringValue()) if err != nil { return err } if err := checkQueueBounds(queue, a); err != nil { return err } var toDel []int i := a for { if i != 0 && queue.At(i) == nil { break } toDel = append(toDel, i) i++ } cl.CmdCh <- player.CmdDelete(toDel) if err := m.Message(&MessageData{Content: fmt.Sprintf("Deleted %v items starting with %v: '%v'", len(toDel), a, queue.At(a).Title)}); err != nil { return err } return nil }, } autocompleteBySearch := func(s *dc.Session, ia *dc.Interaction, input string) error { var choices []*dc.ApplicationCommandOptionChoice if strings.HasPrefix(input, "http://") || strings.HasPrefix(input, "https://") { choices = []*dc.ApplicationCommandOptionChoice{ { Name: input, Value: input, }, } } else if input != "" { res, err := extractor.Search(cfg.Extractors, input) if err != nil { return err } choices = make([]*dc.ApplicationCommandOptionChoice, len(res)) for i, v := range res { switch { case v.Title != "": var prefix string if v.OfficialArtist { prefix = "🎡 " } choices[i] = &dc.ApplicationCommandOptionChoice{ Name: prefix + v.Title, Value: v.SourceUrl, } case v.PlaylistTitle != "": choices[i] = &dc.ApplicationCommandOptionChoice{ Name: "π˜—π˜­π˜’π˜Ίπ˜­π˜ͺ𝘴𝘡: " + v.PlaylistTitle, Value: v.PlaylistUrl, } } } } err = s.InteractionRespond(ia, &dc.InteractionResponse{ Type: dc.InteractionApplicationCommandAutocompleteResult, Data: &dc.InteractionResponseData{ Choices: choices, }, }) if err != nil { return err } return nil } autocompleteTrack := func(s *dc.Session, ia *dc.Interaction, input string) error { cl, err, _ := getClient(s, ia, false) if err != nil { if errors.Is(err, ErrVoiceNotConnected) { err = s.InteractionRespond(ia, &dc.InteractionResponse{ Type: dc.InteractionApplicationCommandAutocompleteResult, Data: &dc.InteractionResponseData{}, }) if err != nil { return err } return nil } return err } tracks := matchTracks(cl, input, 10) choices := make([]*dc.ApplicationCommandOptionChoice, len(tracks)) for i := range tracks { choices[i] = &dc.ApplicationCommandOptionChoice{ Name: tracks[i].title, Value: strconv.Itoa(tracks[i].relIdx), } } err = s.InteractionRespond(ia, &dc.InteractionResponse{ Type: dc.InteractionApplicationCommandAutocompleteResult, Data: &dc.InteractionResponseData{ Choices: choices, }, }) if err != nil { return err } return nil } autocompleteHandlers := map[string]func(s *dc.Session, ia *dc.Interaction, d *dc.ApplicationCommandInteractionData) error{ "play": func(s *dc.Session, ia *dc.Interaction, d *dc.ApplicationCommandInteractionData) error { opts := getOptions(d) inputI, exists := opts["url-or-query"] if !exists { return nil } input := inputI.StringValue() return autocompleteBySearch(s, ia, input) }, "add": func(s *dc.Session, ia *dc.Interaction, d *dc.ApplicationCommandInteractionData) error { return autocompleteBySearch(s, ia, d.Options[0].StringValue()) }, "jump": func(s *dc.Session, ia *dc.Interaction, d *dc.ApplicationCommandInteractionData) error { return autocompleteTrack(s, ia, d.Options[0].StringValue()) }, "swap": func(s *dc.Session, ia *dc.Interaction, d *dc.ApplicationCommandInteractionData) error { for i := 0; i < 5; i++ { if d.Options[i].Focused { return autocompleteTrack(s, ia, d.Options[i].StringValue()) } } return ErrInvalidAutocompleteCall }, "delete": func(s *dc.Session, ia *dc.Interaction, d *dc.ApplicationCommandInteractionData) error { for i := 0; i < 5; i++ { if d.Options[i].Focused { return autocompleteTrack(s, ia, d.Options[i].StringValue()) } } return ErrInvalidAutocompleteCall }, "delete-from": func(s *dc.Session, ia *dc.Interaction, d *dc.ApplicationCommandInteractionData) error { return autocompleteTrack(s, ia, d.Options[0].StringValue()) }, } componentHandlers := map[string]func(s *dc.Session, m *MessageWriter, ia *dc.Interaction, d *dc.MessageComponentInteractionData) error{} // Create Discord session dg, err := dc.New("Bot " + cfg.Token) if err != nil { fmt.Println("Error creating Discord session:", err) return } dg.Identify.Intents = dc.IntentsAllWithoutPrivileged // Set up handlers readyCh := make(chan string) dg.AddHandler(func(s *dc.Session, e *dc.Ready) { u := s.State.User readyCh <- u.Username + "#" + u.Discriminator }) dg.AddHandler(func(s *dc.Session, e *dc.InteractionCreate) { switch e.Type { case dc.InteractionApplicationCommand: d := e.ApplicationCommandData() m := NewMessageWriter(s, e.Interaction) if e.GuildID == "" { if err := m.Message(&MessageData{Content: "This bot only works on servers"}); err != nil { fmt.Printf("Error: %v\n", err) } return } if h, exists := commandHandlers[d.Name]; exists { if err := h(s, m, e.Interaction, &d); err != nil { if _, ok := err.(UserError); ok { if err := m.Message(&MessageData{Content: util.CapitalizeFirst(err.Error())}); err != nil { fmt.Printf("Error: %v\n", err) } } else { fmt.Printf("Error in commandHandlers[%v]: %v\n", d.Name, err) if err := m.Message(&MessageData{Content: "An internal error occurred :("}); err != nil { fmt.Printf("Error: %v\n", err) } } } } case dc.InteractionApplicationCommandAutocomplete: d := e.ApplicationCommandData() if h, exists := autocompleteHandlers[d.Name]; exists { if err := h(s, e.Interaction, &d); err != nil { fmt.Printf("Error in autocompleteHandlers[%v]: %v\n", d.Name, err) } } case dc.InteractionMessageComponent: d := e.MessageComponentData() m := NewMessageWriter(s, e.Interaction) if h, exists := componentHandlers[d.CustomID]; exists { if err := h(s, m, e.Interaction, &d); err != nil { if _, ok := err.(UserError); ok { if err := m.Message(&MessageData{Content: util.CapitalizeFirst(err.Error())}); err != nil { fmt.Printf("Error: %v\n", err) } } else { fmt.Printf("Error in componentHandlers[%v]: %v\n", d.CustomID, err) } } } default: fmt.Println("Unhandled interaction type:", e.Type) } }) // Open Discord session err = dg.Open() if err != nil { fmt.Println("Error opening Discord session:", err) return } // Wait until discord session ready fmt.Printf("Logged in as %v\n", <-readyCh) // Set up commands if registerCommands { fmt.Println("Registering commands...") for i, v := range commands { cmd, err := dg.ApplicationCommandCreate(dg.State.User.ID, "", v) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Error adding command %v: %v\n", v.Name, err) return } commands[i] = cmd fmt.Printf(" %v/%v done\r", i+1, len(commands)) } fmt.Printf("%v commands registered\n", len(commands)) } // Exit gracefully when the program is terminated fmt.Println("Bot is now running, press Ctrl+C to stop") sc := make(chan os.Signal, 1) signal.Notify(sc, syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGTERM, os.Interrupt, os.Kill) <-sc fmt.Println() fmt.Println("Received stop signal, shutting down cleanly") clients.Range(func(key, value any) bool { cl := value.(player.Client) close(cl.CmdCh) return true }) if registerCommands && unregisterCommands { fmt.Println("Unregistering commands...") for i, v := range commands { err := dg.ApplicationCommandDelete(dg.State.User.ID, "", v.ID) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Error deleting command %v: %v\n", v.Name, err) return } fmt.Printf(" %v/%v done\r", i+1, len(commands)) } fmt.Printf("%v commands unregistered\n", len(commands)) } dg.Close() }