2022-09-20 00:54:22 +02:00

168 lines
4.1 KiB

package audio
import (
const (
BufferLength = 300 // 5min / 3.6MB
Channels = 1 // unfortunately, Discord doesn't seem to support stereo at the time
BitRate = 96000
SampleRate = 48000
FrameSize = 960 // 960 samples
FrameDuration = float64(FrameSize) / float64(SampleRate) // 20ms
FramesPerSecond = SampleRate / FrameSize
var (
ErrNotHttp = errors.New("the requested resource is not an http/https address")
type frameIdx struct {
start uint
end uint
// Takes a file path/HTTP(S) stream URL and returns Discord audio frames through
// audioFrameCh. After audioFrameCh is closed, errCh can be read to get any
// potential error. Will cleanly kill ffmpeg if a struct{} is sent through
// killCh (IMPORTANT: only send the kill signal ONCE: there is a chance that
// this goroutine exits just before you send a kill signal; this will be
// absorbed by the channel buffer, but your program might get stuck if you try
// to send two kill signals to a dead stream).
func StreamToDiscordOpus(ffmpegPath, input string, stdin io.Reader, seekSeconds float64, playbackSpeed float64, inetOnly bool) (audioFrameCh <-chan []byte, errCh <-chan error, killCh chan<- struct{}) {
out := make(chan []byte, BufferLength*FramesPerSecond)
errch := make(chan error, 1)
killch := make(chan struct{}, 1)
go func() {
defer close(out)
defer close(errch)
if inetOnly && !(strings.HasPrefix(input, "http://") || strings.HasPrefix(input, "https://")) {
errch <- ErrNotHttp
// Set ffmpeg options
var cmdOpts []string
cmdOpts = append(cmdOpts,
"-vn", // no video
"-sn", // no subs
"-dn") // no data encoding
if seekSeconds != 0.0 {
cmdOpts = append(cmdOpts,
"-ss", strconv.FormatFloat(seekSeconds, 'f', 5, 64)) // seek duration
cmdOpts = append(cmdOpts,
"-i", input)
if playbackSpeed != 1.0 {
cmdOpts = append(cmdOpts,
"-filter:a", "atempo="+strconv.FormatFloat(playbackSpeed, 'f', 5, 64)) // playback speed
cmdOpts = append(cmdOpts,
"-ab", strconv.Itoa(BitRate), // audio bit rate
"-ac", strconv.Itoa(Channels), // audio channels
"-frame_size", strconv.Itoa(int(FrameDuration*1000)), // frame size (in ms)
"-f", "opus", // output OPUS audio
"pipe:1") // output to stdout
// Prepare ffmpeg command
cmd := exec.Command(ffmpegPath, cmdOpts...)
if stdin != nil {
cmd.Stdin = stdin
stdout, err := cmd.StdoutPipe()
if err != nil {
errch <- err
// Start ffmpeg
if err := cmd.Start(); err != nil {
errch <- err
// We want to let our main loop know if ffmpeg is done
donech := make(chan error)
go func() {
donech <- cmd.Wait()
// Ogg decoder
dec := newOggDecoder(stdout)
var segDec *oggSegmentDecoder
startSegDec := false
// Avoid dropping frames
wantNewFrame := true
// Main opus encoder loop
for {
var frame []byte
for wantNewFrame {
if startSegDec && segDec.More() {
frame = make([]byte, segDec.SegmentSize())
if err := segDec.ReadSegment(frame); err != nil {
errch <- err
wantNewFrame = false
} else if dec.More() {
var err error
var hdr oggPageHeader
hdr, segDec, err = dec.Page()
if err != nil {
errch <- err
if hdr.GranulePosition != 0 {
startSegDec = true
} else {
out = nil
// Channel IO
select {
case err := <-donech:
fmt.Println("Audio done, waiting for read to finish")
if err != nil {
// Send error and exit
errch <- err
// Process exited normally, wait until all samples are read
// before closing the channels
for len(out) != 0 {
time.Sleep(20 * time.Millisecond)
fmt.Println("Audio read finished")
case <-killch:
// Process was killed by user
case out <- frame:
// Output is ready to receive a new frame
wantNewFrame = true
return out, errch, killch