2022-09-20 00:54:22 +02:00

554 lines
14 KiB

package player
import (
func init() {
type Queue struct {
Done []extractor.Data
Playing *extractor.Data
Ahead []extractor.Data
AheadUnshuffled []extractor.Data
ShuffleOffset int
Paused bool
Loop bool
func (q *Queue) Copy() *Queue {
res := &Queue{
Done: append([]extractor.Data{}, q.Done...),
Playing: nil,
Ahead: append([]extractor.Data{}, q.Ahead...),
AheadUnshuffled: append([]extractor.Data{}, q.AheadUnshuffled...),
ShuffleOffset: q.ShuffleOffset,
Paused: q.Paused,
Loop: q.Loop,
if q.Playing != nil {
res.Playing = &extractor.Data{}
*res.Playing = *q.Playing
return res
func (q *Queue) InBounds(i int) bool {
return !(i == 0 && q.Playing == nil) &&
!(i < 0 && -i-1 >= len(q.Done)) &&
!(i > 0 && i-1 >= len(q.Ahead))
func (q *Queue) At(i int) *extractor.Data {
if !q.InBounds(i) {
return nil
if i < 0 {
return &q.Done[len(q.Done)+i]
} else if i == 0 {
return q.Playing
} else {
return &q.Ahead[i-1]
// Client commands
// Get commands can most easily be executed via the builtin convenience functions
// NOTE: When using commands like Jump, Swap and Delete, we can't be sure
// that our versions of the indices correspond to the versions the caller
// is referring to, but in this context, that should be fine
type Cmd interface{}
type CmdPlay struct{}
type CmdPause struct{}
type CmdLoop bool
type CmdJump int // relative track to jump to (e.g. -2, -1, 4)
type CmdSkipAll struct{}
type CmdShuffle struct{}
type CmdUnshuffle struct{}
type CmdSwap struct{ A, B int }
type CmdDelete []int
type CmdAddFront []extractor.Data
type CmdAddBack []extractor.Data
type CmdSeek float64 // seconds
type CmdSpeed float64 // speed factor
type CmdPlayFileAndStop struct {
DoneCh chan<- struct{}
Data []byte
type CmdGetTime chan<- float64
type CmdGetQueue chan<- *Queue
type CmdGetSpeed chan<- float64
type Client struct {
CmdCh chan<- Cmd
// ErrCh is blocking meaning that you will have to constantly read it,
// either using another goroutine or a select statement whenever sending a
// command.
ErrCh <-chan error
func (c Client) GetTime() float64 {
ch := make(chan float64)
c.CmdCh <- CmdGetTime(ch)
return <-ch
func (c Client) GetQueue() *Queue {
ch := make(chan *Queue)
c.CmdCh <- CmdGetQueue(ch)
return <-ch
func (c Client) GetSpeed() float64 {
ch := make(chan float64)
c.CmdCh <- CmdGetSpeed(ch)
return <-ch
type Event interface{}
type EventStreamUpdated struct{}
type EventKilled struct{}
type Callback interface{}
// Creates a new player client that will run in parallel and receive commands
// via the returned Client.CmdCh. All audio will be sent via the given outCh.
// Closing the returned Client.CmdCh channel acts as a kill signal.
func NewClient(excfg extractor.Config, ffmpegPath string, outCh chan<- []byte, callbacks ...Callback) Client {
// Client channels
cCmdCh := make(chan Cmd)
cErrCh := make(chan error)
// Callback setup
var callbacksStreamUpdated []func(EventStreamUpdated)
var callbacksKilled []func(EventKilled)
for _, c := range callbacks {
switch v := c.(type) {
case func(EventStreamUpdated):
callbacksStreamUpdated = append(callbacksStreamUpdated, v)
case func(EventKilled):
callbacksKilled = append(callbacksKilled, v)
panic("player.NewClient(): invalid callback function type: " + fmt.Sprintf("%T", v))
go func() {
nFrames := 0
tStart := 0.0
playbackSpeed := 1.0
var queue Queue
lastStreamErr := time.Unix(0, 0)
var filePlaybackDoneCh chan<- struct{}
// Mostly notes to self:
// This entire setup is pretty fragile, so I'll try to explain it:
// Each stream consists of the three fundamental channels below.
// - audioch sends us the encoded audio frames; if audioch is closed,
// that means the stream exited successfully
// - errch sends any potential error (singular!): if any error occurs,
// the client automatically shuts down
// - killch is where we can send a manual kill signal; no error or
// shutdown confirmation will follow
// Now, it is important here that any time a stream is terminated (either
// by a user or the stream terminates itself by closing audio ch or
// sending an error) all three channels are set to nil. Otherwise (and
// I have spent lots of time debugging this), the goroutine will just
// lock up trying to send a kill signal through a channel which no
// longer has a receiver.
// To achieve a kind of stability, I try to follow the basics rule that:
// - any time I do manipulate queue.Playing, I kill the current
// stream first
// - there are exactly three ways a stream can end and all have to be
// handled separately: termination by the user (only through
// calling killStream), exiting with an error (handled in select:
// case err, ok := <-errch), and exiting successfully by closing
// audioch (handled in select: case cmd, ok := <-cCmdCh: if !ok)
var audioch <-chan []byte
var errch <-chan error
var killch chan<- struct{}
getPlaybackTime := func() float64 {
return tStart + float64(nFrames)*audio.FrameDuration*playbackSpeed
getMaxCachedPlaybackTime := func() float64 {
return tStart + float64(nFrames+len(audioch))*audio.FrameDuration*playbackSpeed
readAudioCh := func() <-chan []byte {
if queue.Paused {
return nil
} else {
return audioch
killStream := func() {
if killch != nil {
killch <- struct{}{}
audioch = nil
errch = nil
killch = nil
var jumpTracks func(nRel int)
refreshStream := func(seek float64, speed float64) {
if queue.Playing == nil {
// Reset stream info
nFrames = 0
tStart = 0.0
playbackSpeed = 1.0
} else {
// Kill the potential current stream
// Refresh stream URL if necessary
if queue.Playing.StreamUrl == "" || time.Now().After(queue.Playing.Expires) {
var data []extractor.Data
var err error
for {
data, err = extractor.Extract(excfg, queue.Playing.SourceUrl)
if err == nil {
} else {
now := time.Now()
if lastStreamErr.Sub(now) > 5*time.Second {
lastStreamErr = now
} else {
lastStreamErr = now
cErrCh <- errors.New("skipping stream due to multiple errors")
if err == nil {
if len(data) == 1 {
*queue.Playing = data[0]
} else {
cErrCh <- errors.New("got invalid data refreshing stream")
// Get new stream
audioch, errch, killch = audio.StreamToDiscordOpus(ffmpegPath, queue.Playing.StreamUrl, nil, seek, speed, true)
// Reset stream info
nFrames = 0
tStart = seek
playbackSpeed = speed
for _, c := range callbacksStreamUpdated {
// Queue overflow safe
jumpTracks = func(nRel int) {
// Kill the potential current stream
if nRel > 0 && nRel > len(queue.Ahead) {
nRel = len(queue.Ahead)
if nRel == 0 {
nRel = 1
} else if nRel < 0 && -nRel > len(queue.Done) {
nRel = len(queue.Done)
if nRel == 0 {
nRel = -1
// We can imagine this algorithm like a tape where A B C D E are
// the items, B is currently playing and we want to skip 2 tracks
// ahead (D: queue.Done, P: queue.Playing, A: queue.Ahead):
// A [B] C D E
// D: A; P: B; A: C D E
if nRel > 0 {
// A B [] C D E
// D: A B, P: , A: C D E
if queue.Playing != nil {
queue.Done = append(queue.Done, *queue.Playing)
// A B C [] D E
// D: A B C, P: , A: D E
queue.Done = append(queue.Done, queue.Ahead[:nRel-1]...)
queue.Ahead = queue.Ahead[nRel-1:]
// A B C [D] E
// D: A B C, P: D, A: E
if len(queue.Ahead) > 0 {
queue.Playing = new(extractor.Data)
*queue.Playing = queue.Ahead[0]
queue.Ahead = queue.Ahead[1:]
} else {
queue.Playing = nil
queue.ShuffleOffset -= nRel
} else if nRel < 0 {
// The same thing in reverse
nRel *= -1
if queue.Playing != nil {
queue.Ahead = append([]extractor.Data{*queue.Playing}, queue.Ahead...)
ql := len(queue.Done)
queue.Ahead = append(queue.Done[ql-(nRel-1):ql], queue.Ahead...)
queue.Done = queue.Done[:ql-(nRel-1)]
if len(queue.Done) > 0 {
ql := len(queue.Done)
queue.Playing = new(extractor.Data)
*queue.Playing = queue.Done[ql-1]
queue.Done = queue.Done[:ql-1]
} else {
queue.Playing = nil
queue.ShuffleOffset += nRel
// Update stream
refreshStream(0, playbackSpeed)
var unshuffle func()
shuffle := func() {
if queue.AheadUnshuffled != nil {
queue.AheadUnshuffled = append([]extractor.Data{}, queue.Ahead...)
rand.Shuffle(len(queue.Ahead), func(i, j int) {
queue.Ahead[i], queue.Ahead[j] = queue.Ahead[j], queue.Ahead[i]
queue.ShuffleOffset = 0
unshuffle = func() {
if queue.AheadUnshuffled == nil {
if queue.ShuffleOffset <= 0 {
if -queue.ShuffleOffset <= len(queue.AheadUnshuffled) {
queue.AheadUnshuffled = queue.AheadUnshuffled[-queue.ShuffleOffset:]
queue.ShuffleOffset = 0
queue.Ahead = append(queue.Ahead[:queue.ShuffleOffset], queue.AheadUnshuffled...)
queue.AheadUnshuffled = nil
// Main IO loop
for {
select {
case frame, ok := <-readAudioCh():
if ok {
outCh <- frame
} else {
// Audio channel was closed -> stream is finished -> reset all stream channels
audioch = nil
errch = nil
killch = nil
if filePlaybackDoneCh != nil {
filePlaybackDoneCh <- struct{}{}
filePlaybackDoneCh = nil
fmt.Println("Audio channel closed, going to next track")
if queue.Loop {
refreshStream(0, playbackSpeed)
} else {
case err, ok := <-errch:
if ok {
// Propagate error
cErrCh <- err
// Stream has closed with error -> reset all of its channels
audioch = nil
errch = nil
killch = nil
// Try to resurrect stream (if it fails again in the
// next 5 seconds, we'll skip the track instead)
now := time.Now()
if lastStreamErr.Sub(now) > 5*time.Second {
refreshStream(getPlaybackTime(), playbackSpeed)
} else {
cErrCh <- errors.New("skipping stream due to multiple errors")
lastStreamErr = now
} else {
// Stream is done without err, but not fully read yet -> block
// all future errch reads
// Also, killch is now unnecessary
errch = nil
killch = nil
case cmd, ok := <-cCmdCh:
if !ok {
// cCmdCh was closed by the user -> client is told to shut down
fmt.Println("Command channel closed, killing client")
for _, c := range callbacksKilled {
} else {
switch v := cmd.(type) {
case CmdPlay:
queue.Paused = false
if audioch == nil {
case CmdPause:
queue.Paused = true
case CmdLoop:
queue.Loop = bool(v)
case CmdJump:
case CmdSkipAll:
if queue.Playing != nil {
queue.Done = append(queue.Done, *queue.Playing)
queue.Playing = nil
queue.Done = append(queue.Done, queue.Ahead...)
queue.Ahead = nil
case CmdShuffle:
case CmdUnshuffle:
case CmdSwap:
queue.AheadUnshuffled = nil
sw := struct{ A, B int }(v)
if queue.InBounds(sw.A) && queue.InBounds(sw.B) {
replacePlaying := sw.A == 0 || sw.B == 0
if replacePlaying {
*queue.At(sw.A), *queue.At(sw.B) = *queue.At(sw.B), *queue.At(sw.A)
if replacePlaying {
refreshStream(0, playbackSpeed)
case CmdDelete:
queue.AheadUnshuffled = nil
idxs := []int(v)
// Sort indices descendingly by absolute value so we don't
// mess the future indices up in the process of removal
sort.Slice(idxs, func(i, j int) bool {
abs := func(i int) int {
if i < 0 {
return -i
return i
return idxs[abs(j)] < idxs[abs(i)]
for _, i := range idxs {
if i < 0 {
i = len(queue.Done) + i
if i < len(queue.Done) {
queue.Done = append(queue.Done[:i], queue.Done[i+1:]...)
} else if i == 0 {
queue.Playing = nil
refreshStream(0, playbackSpeed)
} else {
i -= 1
if i < len(queue.Ahead) {
queue.Ahead = append(queue.Ahead[:i], queue.Ahead[i+1:]...)
case CmdAddFront:
queue.Ahead = append([]extractor.Data(v), queue.Ahead...)
case CmdAddBack:
queue.Ahead = append(queue.Ahead, []extractor.Data(v)...)
case CmdSeek:
if float64(v) > getPlaybackTime() && float64(v) < getMaxCachedPlaybackTime() {
fmt.Println("Quick seeking to", v)
// Seek to location in buffer
for getPlaybackTime() < float64(v) {
_, ok := <-audioch
if !ok {
} else {
fmt.Println("Slow seeking to", v)
// Restart stream from other location (seek using ffmpeg)
refreshStream(float64(v), playbackSpeed)
case CmdSpeed:
refreshStream(getPlaybackTime(), float64(v))
case CmdPlayFileAndStop:
cmd := struct {
DoneCh chan<- struct{}
Data []byte
audioch, errch, killch = audio.StreamToDiscordOpus(ffmpegPath, "pipe:", bytes.NewReader(cmd.Data), 0, 1.0, false)
// Reset stream info
nFrames = 0
tStart = 0
playbackSpeed = 1.0
queue.Paused = false
queue.Loop = false
filePlaybackDoneCh = cmd.DoneCh
case CmdGetTime:
v <- getPlaybackTime()
case CmdGetQueue:
v <- queue.Copy()
case CmdGetSpeed:
v <- playbackSpeed
return Client{CmdCh: cCmdCh, ErrCh: cErrCh}