package main import ( "fmt" "os" "os/signal" "sync" "syscall" "dcbot/dca0" "dcbot/util" "" ) //////////////////////////////// // Helper functions. //////////////////////////////// // The first return value contains the voice channel ID, if it was found. If it // was not found, it is set to "". // The second return value indicates whether the voice channel was found. func GetUserVoiceChannel(g *discordgo.Guild, userID string) (string, bool) { for _, vs := range g.VoiceStates { if vs.UserID == userID { return vs.ChannelID, true } } return "", false } //////////////////////////////// // Structs. //////////////////////////////// type Playback struct { Track CmdCh chan dca0.Command RespCh chan dca0.Response Paused bool Loop bool // Whether playback is looping right now. } type Track struct { Title string // Title, if any. Url string // Short URL, for example from YouTube. MediaUrl string // Long URL of the associated media file. } // All methods of Client are thread safe, however manual locking is required // when accessing any fields. type Client struct { sync.RWMutex // The discordgo session. s *discordgo.Session // TextChannelID and VoiceChannelID indicate the current channels through // which the bot should send text / audio. They may be set to "". TextChannelID string VoiceChannelID string // Current audio playback. Playback *Playback // Queue. Queue []*Track } func NewClient(s *discordgo.Session) *Client { return &Client{ s: s, } } func (c *Client) Messagef(format string, a ...interface{}) { c.RLock() if c.TextChannelID == "" { fmt.Printf(format+"\n", a...) } else { c.s.ChannelMessageSend(c.TextChannelID, fmt.Sprintf(format, a...)) } c.RUnlock() } // Updates the text channel and voice channel IDs. May set them to "" if there // are none associated with the message. func (c *Client) UpdateChannels(g *discordgo.Guild, m *discordgo.Message) { c.Lock() c.TextChannelID = m.ChannelID vc, _ := GetUserVoiceChannel(g, m.Author.ID) c.VoiceChannelID = vc c.Unlock() } func (c *Client) GetTextChannelID() string { c.RLock() ret := c.TextChannelID c.RUnlock() return ret } func (c *Client) GetVoiceChannelID() string { c.RLock() ret := c.TextChannelID c.RUnlock() return ret } // Returns a COPY of c.Playback. Modifications to the returned Playback struct // are NOT preserved, as it is a copy. func (c *Client) GetPlaybackInfo() (p Playback, ok bool) { c.RLock() ret := c.Playback c.RUnlock() if ret == nil { return Playback{}, false } else { return *ret, true } } func (c *Client) QueueLen() int { c.RLock() l := len(c.Queue) c.RUnlock() return l } // Similarly to GetPlaybackInfo, this function returns a COPY. Any modifications // are NOT preserved. // ok field returns false if the index is out of bounds. func (c *Client) QueueAt(i int) (t Track, ok bool) { l := c.QueueLen() if i >= l { return Track{}, false } c.RLock() ret := c.Queue[i] c.RUnlock() return *ret, true } func (c *Client) QueuePushBack(t *Track) { c.Lock() c.Queue = append(c.Queue, t) c.Unlock() } func (c *Client) QueuePushFront(t *Track) { c.Lock() c.Queue = append([]*Track{t}, c.Queue...) c.Unlock() } func (c *Client) QueuePopFront() (t Track, ok bool) { t, ok = c.QueueAt(0) if ok { c.Lock() c.Queue = c.Queue[1:] c.Unlock() } return t, ok } // Deletes a single item at any position. // Returns false if i was out of bounds. func (c *Client) QueueDelete(i int) bool { if i >= c.QueueLen() { return false } c.Lock() c.Queue = append(c.Queue[:i], c.Queue[i+1:]...) c.Unlock() return true } // Swaps two items in the queue. // Returns false if a or b is out of bounds. func (c *Client) QueueSwap(a, b int) bool { if a == b { return true } l := c.QueueLen() if a >= l || b >= l { return false } c.Lock() c.Queue[a], c.Queue[b] = c.Queue[b], c.Queue[a] c.Unlock() return true } func (c *Client) QueueClear() { c.Lock() c.Queue = nil c.Unlock() } func (c *Client) QueueFront() (t Track, ok bool) { c.Lock() defer c.Unlock() if len(c.Queue) == 0 { return Track{}, false } ret := *c.Queue[0] return ret, true } //////////////////////////////// // Global variables. //////////////////////////////// var clients map[string]*Client // Guild ID to client var mClients sync.Mutex var cfg Config //////////////////////////////// // Main program. //////////////////////////////// func main() { if err := ReadConfig(&cfg); err != nil { fmt.Println(err) if err := WriteDefaultConfig(); err != nil { fmt.Println("Failed to create the default configuration file:", err) return } fmt.Println("Wrote the default configuration to " + configFile + ".") fmt.Println("You will have to manually configure the token by editing " + configFile + ".") return } if cfg.Token == tokenDefaultString { fmt.Println("Please set your bot token in " + configFile + " first.") return } // Check if all binary dependencies are installed correctly. const notInstalledErrMsg = "Unable to find %s in the specified path '%s', please make sure it's installed correctly.\nYou can manually set its path by editing %s\n" if !util.CheckInstalled(cfg.YtdlPath, "--version") { fmt.Printf(notInstalledErrMsg, "youtube-dl", cfg.YtdlPath, configFile) return } if !util.CheckInstalled(cfg.FfmpegPath, "-version") { fmt.Printf(notInstalledErrMsg, "ffmpeg", cfg.FfmpegPath, configFile) return } // Initialize client map. clients = make(map[string]*Client) // Initialize bot. dg, err := discordgo.New("Bot " + cfg.Token) if err != nil { fmt.Println("Error creating Discord session:", err) return } dg.AddHandler(ready) dg.AddHandler(banAdd) dg.AddHandler(messageCreate) // What information we need about guilds. dg.Identify.Intents = discordgo.IntentsGuilds | discordgo.IntentsGuildMessages | discordgo.IntentsGuildVoiceStates | discordgo.IntentsGuildBans // Open the websocket and begin listening. err = dg.Open() if err != nil { fmt.Println("Error opening Discord session:", err) return } // Wait here until Ctrl+c or other term signal is received. fmt.Println("Bot is now running. Press Ctrl+c to exit.") sc := make(chan os.Signal, 1) signal.Notify(sc, syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGTERM, os.Interrupt, os.Kill) <-sc fmt.Println("\nSignal received, closing Discord session.") // Cleanly close down the Discord session. dg.Close() } func ready(s *discordgo.Session, event *discordgo.Ready) { u := s.State.User fmt.Println("Logged in as", u.Username+"#"+u.Discriminator+".") s.UpdateListeningStatus(cfg.Prefix + "help") } func banAdd(s *discordgo.Session, event *discordgo.GuildBanAdd) { fmt.Println(event) } func messageCreate(s *discordgo.Session, m *discordgo.MessageCreate) { // Ignore messages from the bot itself. if m.Author.ID == s.State.User.ID { return } var g *discordgo.Guild g, err := s.State.Guild(m.GuildID) if err != nil { // Could not find guild. s.ChannelMessageSend(m.ChannelID, "This bot only works in guilds (servers).") return } var c *Client mClients.Lock() { var ok bool if c, ok = clients[m.GuildID]; !ok { c = NewClient(s) clients[m.GuildID] = c } } mClients.Unlock() // Update the text and voice channels associated with the client. c.UpdateChannels(g, m.Message) args, ok := CmdGetArgs(m.Content) if !ok { // Not a command. return } if len(args) == 0 { c.Messagef("No command specified. Type `%shelp` for help.", cfg.Prefix) return } switch args[0] { case "help": commandHelp(c) case "play": commandPlay(s, g, c, args[1:]) case "seek": commandSeek(c, args[1:]) case "pos": commandPos(c) case "loop": commandLoop(c) case "add": commandAdd(c, args[1:], false) case "queue": commandQueue(c) case "pause": commandPause(c) case "stop": commandStop(c) case "skip": commandSkip(c) case "delete": commandDelete(c, args[1:]) case "swap": commandSwap(c, args[1:]) case "shuffle": commandShuffle(c) } }