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package mp3
import (
var (
ErrNoMetaint = errors.New("mp3: key 'icy-metaint' not found in HTTP header")
ErrCorruptedMetadata = errors.New("mp3: corrupted metadata")
ErrNoStreamTitle = errors.New("mp3: no 'StreamTitle' tag in metadata")
type Extractor struct {
metaint int64 // Distance between two metadata chunks
hasStreamTitle bool
streamTitle string // Metadata tag determining the filename
func NewExtractor(respHdr http.Header) (*Extractor, error) {
mi := respHdr.Get("icy-metaint")
if mi == "" {
return nil, ErrNoMetaint
miNum, _ := strconv.ParseInt(mi, 10, 64)
return &Extractor{
metaint: miNum,
}, nil
func (d *Extractor) ReadBlock(r io.Reader, w io.Writer) (isFirst bool, err error) {
var musicData bytes.Buffer
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// We want to write everything except the metadata to the output and to
// musicData for calculating the checksum.
multi := io.MultiWriter(w, &musicData)
// Read until the metadata chunk. The part that is read here is also what
// contains the actual mp3 music data.
io.CopyN(multi, r, d.metaint)
// Read number of metadata blocks (blocks within this function are not what
// is meant with `ReadBlock()`).
var numBlocks uint8
err = binary.Read(r, binary.LittleEndian, &numBlocks)
// Whether this block is the beginning of a new track.
var isBOF bool
// Read metadata blocks.
if numBlocks > 0 {
// Metadata is only actually stored in the first metadata chunk
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// of a given file. Therefore, every metadata chunk with more than 0
// blocks always marks the beginning of a file.
isBOF = true
// Each block is 16 bytes in size. Any excess bytes in the last block
// are set to '\0', which is great because the `string()` conversion
// function ignores null bytes. The whole string is escaped via HTML.
// Metadata format: k0='v0';k1='v1';
raw := make([]byte, numBlocks*16)
if _, err := r.Read(raw); err != nil {
return false, err
rawString := html.UnescapeString(string(raw))
for _, data := range strings.Split(rawString, ";") {
s := strings.Split(data, "=")
if len(s) == 2 {
if s[0] == "StreamTitle" {
d.hasStreamTitle = true
// Strip stream title's first and last character (single
// quotes).
t := s[1]
if len(t) < 2 {
return false, ErrCorruptedMetadata
t = t[1 : len(t)-1]
if t == "Unknown" {
// If there is no stream title, use format:
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// Unknown_<crc32 checksum of first block>
sumStr := strconv.FormatInt(int64(crc32.ChecksumIEEE(musicData.Bytes())), 10)
d.streamTitle = "Unknown_" + sumStr
} else {
d.streamTitle = t
} else if len(s) != 1 {
return false, ErrCorruptedMetadata
if !d.hasStreamTitle {
return false, ErrNoStreamTitle
return isBOF, nil
func (d *Extractor) TryGetFilename() (filename string, hasFilename bool) {
if !d.hasStreamTitle {
return "", false
base := strings.ReplaceAll(d.streamTitle, "/", "_") // Replace invalid characters.
return base + ".mp3", true